Table of Contents
How Does Crying Affects After The Surgery?
Naturally, we try to wipe the tears and it may apply pressure to the eyes. So the problem is not with crying but wiping the tears or rubbing off eyes. Every patient has to be aware and conscious that though one becomes emotional and crying, wiping or rubbing over the eyes should not happen. You use clean soft tissue from the outside of your eyes to wipe without rubbing the eye whereas it is done therefore one has to take care of eyes post-surgery to achieve fast results.
Whereas crying due to emotional reasons gently produces more tears than usual. So even after the Lasik surgery crying is not harmful but rather crying is considered a good thing in order to keep the eyes lubricated.
Once the surgery has been successfully done it can be helpful in the healing process.
The After Effects And What To Do?
After a cataract surgery operation, you will be awake and relatively pain-free. However, you may experience a low level of discomfort but your surgeon will provide you with medication to manage all such issues and to also ensure a successful healing process. It is advised that you should keep good resting hours after your surgery that will hopefully help you find a pleasant experience so far.
The morning after your operation you can remove your plastic eyes shield and the pad inside it. Do not be alarmed if your eyes get red or feel itchy also some clear fluid discharge is common after a week even mild discomfort disappear. In most cases, healing will take between two and six weeks you may notice some dry blood on the inside of your eye while dressing. This is normal and is a result of an injection given before your operation. For the first few days if your eyes are sticky it is advised to use cooled boiled water only to clean your eye and wash your hands carefully then dip a cotton ball or for cleaning go for the cool boiled water for your eye gently from the nose side of your eye for the left side of your face, repeat this process until the stickiness is cleared.
You will be given eye drops to use when you get home with an information sheet. Make sure you follow the instructions and how to use the eye drops. The eye drops will help your eye to heal, so you’ll need to start using your eye drops the morning after the surgery.
Before using the drops. Firstly wash your hands, then shake the bottle. Take the cap off until your head is back about 45 degrees If you can’t do this just life left on the bed in one hand grip the bottle firmly with a finger on the other finger on the other hand. Gently pull down your lower eye move the bottle until you can see the tip and make sure the tip doesn’t touch your eye squeezed a bottle to one drop falls into your eye. For those whose eye blinks at all times use a clean tissue to wipe away any excess, repeat this process for all light drops.
In case you run out of eye drops contact your local GP for more need to bring your eye drop bottle and after the discharge, you should wear your eyeshield at night for one week using micropore tape or salute to keep it in position. wearing the eyeshield at night will prevent you from accidentally rubbing or irritating your eye while you sleep with the eyeshield. It should be worn at night time only as you must not rub or press on the eye.
What Precautions To Be Taken?
Avoid Driving home after the operation, swimming for four weeks also one should not be inhaling in a dusty environment. Intake of painkillers Is also suggested if necessary. Bend down or close her eyes tightly to avoid getting water shampoo in the eyes.
Use eyes for reading and watching TV, resume driving when you’ve been given to go-ahead less and glasses if the light is uncomfortable on the day following your operation one should be able to resume almost all household activities such as cooking and walking around the house do not do anything too strenuous and may take a few days of your vision to fully return.
After the operation, it is normal to have grittiness watering blurred vision. Side effects usually improve within a few days and can take 4 to 6 weeks to recover fully. However, if your vision gets worse or you have severe pain you must seek medical help.
Concluding Words
Tears are not the things to be worried about rubbing off eyes is the main cause of inconvenience or any kind of side effects to occur. Many patients used to cry after the surgery not because of pain but a little discomfort that they feel and sometimes also with the joy of Finally seeing the world clearly without the help of any spectacles or lenses so people used and could also often due to the feeling of overwhelming.
The only harmful fact about crying is that it will increase the rate that you will rub your eyes, which is strictly provided after the surgery at least for two weeks. Many people have false perceptions about the Lasik surgery that one should not cry after the surgery as it is proven as a barrier in your surgery to take place successfully but the truth is that there is no such hard and fast rule regarding that you can or cannot cry after the Lasik laser eyes surgery the only matter of concern is that you should not rub your eyes because if you do so, it will ultimately create a problem for you only.
The answer to the question that whether one can cry after Lasik Surgery or not is yes you can cry but you have to be very careful that you should not rub your eyes but with your hands or even with a handkerchief or a soft cloth. The main thing is that in any case your eyes should not be rubbed.