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ToggleYou’ll be relieved to learn that dying your hair around the time of your surgery is safe. However, it does not imply that you should rush home after your treatment to touch up your roots. Although you can color your hair up to the day of your treatment, it is recommended that you wait at least one week after Laser Eye Surgery before doing so.
Depending on your prescription, treatment options, and clinic type, the exact time will vary, but one week is a good starting point.
There are a few extra considerations to consider before diving in, booking your consultation, and dyeing your hair.
Some cosmetics, including eyeliner, eye shadow, and mascara, should be avoided on the day of your treatment and for up to one week afterwards. Other general makeup (e.g., lipstick) that is not put in or around the eyes can be safely utilized one or two days following treatment. You must, however, refrain from using it on the day of your treatment (thankfully, you can take a day or two off work to recover).

It’s Important to Choose the Right Surgery!
If you’ve had surgery on your head or face, you should wait until you’ve fully recovered before dyeing your hair. The dye’s components could enter your bloodstream through the wounds produced during the procedure if you don’t. It has the potential to be quite hazardous.
We don’t know how many chemicals are taken into our bodies when we use hair color, but the amount is typically safe. However, if you’ve just undergone surgery (especially if you’re on medicine to help you recuperate), you should consult your doctor. After all, it’s always preferable to be safe than sorry!
Some Hair Dyes are More Resistant
It’s far safer to color your hair with a light dye than bleaching it or using a solid, unnatural hue.
If you go hot pink or peroxide blond, you’ll likely introduce more chemicals into your system than if you go brown. The dyes that contain the most chemicals tend to have the most pungent odors.
If I were you, I’d probably be just as cautious as if I were expecting a child. If the dye is safe for pregnant women, it is likely to be safe for persons who have just undergone surgery. Still, if you’re not sure, wait till you’re particular!
On the Day of Surgery
When you come home from your surgery, you should relax for the rest of the day. Some patients prefer to have a friend or family member present during the initial few hours of recovery. Your eyes will be compassionate throughout this period. As a result, it’s critical to prevent actions that could cause the eye to be poked, rubbed, or touched. Ensure lubricated eyes. On the day of your procedure, follow these instructions:
- Avoid touching your eyes at all costs. When they’re irritated, apply lubricating drops instead.
- Do not stare without lubricating your eyes.
- Watching TV or Reading is not a good idea.
- Showering or bathing before surgery is not recommended (you may take a bath but avoid getting soap or water in your eyes).
- Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.
- Do not attempt to drive (even if only one eye has been treated).
Allowed to Do After Surgery
- Showering (please continue to avoid getting any soap or water in the eyes).
- Low-maintenance pursuits include Reading or writing; going to the office or school.
- If we have determined that you have adequate vision, you may drive short distances.
- Make your eyes moisturized when working on a computer or watching TV.
- Take a plane ride (please keep eyes generously lubricated and apply eye drops for approximately 30 minutes).
- Makeup application on the face (but not eye makeup).
- It would help if you lifted objects of moderate weight.
- Sauna and steam room are available.
Allowed to Perform Three Days After Surgery
- Apply eyeliner and mascara (but please remove it gently and avoid touching the eyes).
- Light activity includes walking on a treadmill, using the Stairmaster, or cycling on a stationary cycle.
- With newborns and toddlers, play gently.
- Jogging, rollerblading, casual bicycling, horseback riding, golfing, and boating are outdoor activities.
- Swimming while wearing goggles.
- Hair dyeing
- Eyebrow waxing is a procedure that involves waxing the brows.
- Muscle relaxants for the eyes or the forehead.
- Sun tanning and tanning in a salon
- Baseball and tennis are two of my favorite sports.
Allowed to do One Week After Surgery
- Putting on eye makeup (avoid touching the eyes).
- Jogging in the open air
- Rollerblading.
- Bicycling in a relaxed manner (but no mountain biking, as it can pose a risk to your eyes).
- Golf.
- Sunbathing and tanning salons (but please wear eye protection).
- Sauna and steam room are available.
- Hair Dryer Recommended (but avoid blowing air directly in the eyes).
Permitted Activities One Month After Surgery
- Tennis, squash, racquetball, and badminton are all racquet sports (but always wear eye protection).
- Swimming, scuba diving, and snorkelling are all activities you can do in the water.
- Sailing.
- Mountain biking, dirt biking, and motorcycling.
- Parachuting.
- Baseball, basketball, football, and soccer are all popular sports.
- Skiing.
- Riding roller coasters is one of my favorite things to do.
- Hair dyeing (including eyebrows).
There is a brief period of recovery after cataract surgery. Normal activities can resume when this period has passed. You can color hair as long as care is taken to avoid getting the dye in the eyes.